Perspective (New Mexico Part 1)

I met up with my friend, Ben, to do some camping and photography in New Mexico. In this post is a few of the images I took while we were in the Organ Mountains and Almagordo.

I took this first image at the Organ Mountains right behind the campsite Ben and I were at. What caught my eye was how the sunset was creating all these interesting shadows on the mountain. Light, shadow, and contrast, very simple.


This image is a story of persistence. The shot that I had planned to get that morning just was not working out for me. I decided to take a walk down one of the different trails, and I came face to face with this scene where the trees were framing the mountains as they were lit up from the sunrise giving them this beautiful golden glow.


This shot is from a train yard in Almagordo. Normally I avoid things like buildings and vehicles in my photos, but the train is the interest of this photo, so I just had to figure out what to do with it. I used the rails as a diagonal leading line to the train to create depth and imply that it could be in motion.


This shot was actually right behind me. As we were getting ready to leave I walked across these tracks and saw this simple composition. The engine was being side lit by the sunset with the mountains in the background and a few clouds in the sky. A shot doesn’t always have to be complicated to be good.

These images are all about perspective, whether it is the perspective I used to shoot them or the perspective I gained while I was shooting them. Something I love about photography is the self-reflection that it affords and the opportunities to just forget about everything else while connecting with a scene. Bye for now.


Mad Hatter Photo has a YouTube channel now! If you want to hear more about these images watch this video.