My 5 Favorite Photos from 2021

2021 is coming to a close, and I’d like to take another look at some of my favorite photos of the year.

This is the best close-up that I’ve ever been able to get of a duck. I wanted to show off as much of the colors and details of the feathers as possible, which was no easy task because of how skittish ducks can be. In the end, my patience paid off.


This image is from White Sands National Park. I wanted to get something abstract to show how different and Interesting a place White Sands is. I’ve had this image set as the background on my phone ever since I got back from New Mexico.


Another one from White Sands. Here I used the three dunes to create a path for the eye to follow to the silhouettes of the mountains in the background. I feel black and white works well in this shot to emphasize the shadows in the dunes.


I got this while I was camping at Caprock Canyon. Every year I want to do more astrophotography, I only got one occasion to get any done this year though. I feel like my star photos are getting better with every attempt, and this image is one more step forward for me.


This last photo was taken at the Great Sand Dunes outside of Alamosa, Colorado. I wanted something different from what I took at White Sands, and I came back with this shot of a lone man trudging up the dunes. The human element that the traveler adds to the image is what sets it apart for me.

2021 has had its highs and lows. I started a YouTube channel and made that part of my workflow, but I also lost one of my best friends this year. I hope everyone reading this is safe, doing well, and taking advantage of life. I hope to do and see more in the coming year, and to keep moving forward. Bye for now.