My 5 Favorite Photos from 2019

As 2019 comes to a close I thought I would pick out and revisit my five favorite photos that I took this year.

I took this photo on a cold, slightly windy January morning at the beginning of the year. The wind, the beautiful colors of the sunrise, and the long (8 seconds) exposure came together to give the image this dreamy look.


This was taken at the beginning of spring close to home. I liked how the flowers on the tree reminded me of cherry blossoms. The depth of field in this shot is extremely shallow, which allowed me to isolate this single branch from the rest of the tree. Sadly this tree has been cut down, so I won’t get to enjoy it budding again next spring.


This one is from the Arizona trip. I like how the ripples in the water flow in the opposite direction of the feathers creating pseudo S-curves that accent the curve of the flamingo’s neck. The ripple in the water right underneath him/her balances well with the ripple in the upper left.


Another from close to home, and one of my first blog posts on this site. This sunset was about late spring/beginning of summer, and on this rare evening there was no wind, which is why there are such great reflections in the still water.


As I said in this image’s earlier blog post, I feel a personal connection to it. Out of all the flower shots I took this year, this one really stands out though. Red is one of my favorite colors, and I absolutely love how vibrant these petals are.