My 5 Favorite Photos from 2020

It’s been quite a year! As 2020 winds down I’d like to take another look at some of my favorite photos of the year.

I took this close to the beginning of the year. Most of my photography was close to home at this time, and wildlife isn’t always easy to find around here. I like how the negative space and depth of field work together to make the rabbit, that is trying its best to hide, more prominent in this image.


This image represents a large step forward in my astrophotography. I took a timelapse of almost 300 shots and stacked them together to show the stars' movement over two hours in a single picture. I look forward to doing more astrophotography in the coming year and refining my process even further.


I took this shot close to the end of summer. Most flowers had wilted, died, and started to fade from the heat and the sun, except these three roses, and they looked great in the morning light. I like the vibrant colors in this photo paired with its simplicity.


I captured this one during the only trip I took this year to Colorado. The beaver dam in the bottom right balances well with the mountains in the upper left. I like how the foreground is mostly monochromatic, and color gradually creeps in as you follow the water up the image into the distance.


Another photo from the Colorado trip taken early in the morning. As the sun was rising it had bathed the mountain in warm light, but it was low enough that the trees in the foreground were still in shadow. I love the wavy reflection that I was able to get in this shot.